How soon can we get together ???Post author:MiwaPost published:November 9, 2016Post category:MusicHow soon can we get together ???Can’t wait !!Miwa Rocker is with Sean Lee and Dave Chuchian. Tags: Music/BandRead more articles Previous PostVocal recording #??? Next PostMIWA KILLS IT AT KARAOKE AT THE BELMONT! You Might Also Like Blown away BIG TIME January 6, 2016 Miwa’s vocal challenge….. Miwa continues her vocal challenge this week with Ozzy Osbourne’s classic metal song “Bark At The Moon”. Check out Miwa’s 16 bar SCREAM at the end! \m/ #bestfemaleheavymetalsinger #barkathemoon #voicemechanic June 22, 2018 Band rehearsal with my gang!! October 3, 2018
Miwa’s vocal challenge….. Miwa continues her vocal challenge this week with Ozzy Osbourne’s classic metal song “Bark At The Moon”. Check out Miwa’s 16 bar SCREAM at the end! \m/ #bestfemaleheavymetalsinger #barkathemoon #voicemechanic June 22, 2018