You are currently viewing VIRUS!!!!!!!


New Release!!!!!!!!!MIWA – VIRUS (MY WISH IS YOUR COMMAND 2011)

June 1, 2020  · MIWA – VIRUS(MY WISH IS YOUR COMMAND 2011) Treasure from the past! So Thrilled to share with you !

Virus is a very heavy track off our “My Wish is Your Command” album which was released on January 1st, 2011. We filmed this Video footage sometime in 2013 and recently remixed while we where recording the “HELL IS REAL” album. It was a lot of fun spending time with these amazing musicians and learning from them. Thank you Chris, Sean and Bjorn for making my dream come true! And Special Thanks to Brad Vance for remastering this song. Thank you Guys! Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!

MIWAの1st Album 2011年にリリースしたMY WISH IS YOUR COMMANDからの第3のミュージックビデオをリリースします。2013年に撮影されましたがリリースが実現されず時が過ぎてしまいましたが遅れながらここに今皆さんとシェアすることが出来るようになりました。 沢山の仲間の力を借り夢をかなえられ幸せです!Please watch and enjoy!!!